Safest Cities in Quebec

Safest Cities in Quebec 

Quebec, one of the largest provinces in Canada, is celebrated for its French Canadian culture, cobblestone pavement, and mouth-watering poutine. This popular tourist destination attracts travelers from around the globe. Visitors and homeowners alike must consider their safety when staying in Quebec. For personal safety and asset protection, Canadian business owners, residents, and travelers take safety measures such as using home alarm systems. In this post, we will analyze Quebec’s most recent statistics and see which cities have the lowest crime rate.  


Quebec Crime Statistics: Where Does the Data Come From?

Statistics Canada is the country’s guide for analyzing safety data, which includes specific information about Quebec. Public access to this database ensures Canadians can make informed decisions based on the country’s economy, society, and environment. The agency publishes year-round data on incidences of crime across Canada each year. Data for 2020 was released in July 2021 and allows Canadian citizens to see crime statistics sorted by various categories and characteristics. We know this database can be hard to understand, so we have curated the most important information for easy access. Learn about the safest cities in Quebec in an easy-to-read format right here. 


Quebec Cities Crime Rates


Crime Severity Index: How to Determine the Safest Cities in Quebec

The Crime Severity Index is a measurement tool used to analyze the volume and severity of police-reported crime in Canada, with a base index value of 100. While this tool may sound like it belongs on a crime-themed TV show, this measurement is important for analyzing safety by city across the country and in Quebec specifically. The overall CSI for Quebec in 2020 is 51.6. This score is an improvement from the previous year, with a 7.49 percent change decrease from 2019. If you are interested in learning more about the most dangerous provinces in Canada, you can read about them here. 

2020 Canadian Crime Statistics: Are Quebec Cities Getting Safer?

As stated in the previous section, there was a 7.49 point decrease in the CSI between 2019 and 2020 in Quebec. As reported by Statistics Canada, “All measures of the CSI—the overall CSI, the Violent CSI, and the Non-violent CSI—decreased for the first time after five years of increases.” What are some of the potential reasons for this decrease? Many attribute the 2020 decline to the pandemic, as shutdowns and quarantines kept more people at home and out of trouble. 


Low Crime Spots: Where are the Safest Cities in Quebec?   

Even though there are a handful of dangerous provinces in Canada, Quebec has a relatively low CSI (51.61). Quebec’s data for 2020 indicated that Québec scored the lowest crime index with a measure of 42.09. Saguenay ranked the second safest province (43.93) and Trois-Rivières came in third place (47.72). Something interesting to note is that Montréal’s CSI score decreased by an 8.64 point index, respectively between 2019 and 2020. As the data releases for 2021, we will keep an eye out for how trends will continue to change as people reemerge into public life.  

Lowest Violent Crime Rates: Safest Cities in Quebec 

According to Statistics Canada, examples of violent crimes include uttering threats, criminal harassment, and forcible confinement. Quebec’s CSI, as indicated by the data for 2020, shows that the violent crime CSI falls at 74.50, which is substantially lower than the collective violent crime CSI for the country. Quebec’s safest cities, as ranked by the violent crime CSI, are Québec (56.84), Saguenay (61.40), and Sherbrooke (68.51). Sherbrooke had a decrease in the violent crime CSI by 22.23 points on the index. To see how these cities compare to those with higher violent crime CSI’s, check out the most dangerous provinces in Canada

Non-Violent Crime Rates: Safest Cities in Quebec 

Non-violent crimes are defined by Statistics Canada as activities such as traffic, as well as drug violations, and all Federal Statutes. Quebec’s overall non-violent crime CSI falls at 43.25. The safest cities according to this category in 2020 are Québec (36.68), Saguenay (37.54), and Trois-Rivières (38.16). Between 2019 and 2020, Trois-Rivières as a city experienced the greatest non-violent crime decrease at 19.20 points on the index. 

Overall Safest Cities in Quebec

After analyzing the data, it appears that the safest province as ranked by CSI, violent crime CSI, and non-violent crime CSI is Québec, Quebec. This city has substantially lower CSI records compared to other cities in the province. If you are planning on visiting Québec, check out the 

Château Frontenac, the Morrin Centre, and Battlefields Park. As the world reopens in 2021 and 2022, we may see crime rates increase. Regardless of where you are living in Canada, an AG Home Alarms monitored alarm system from Alarm Guard will keep you feeling secure and protect your assets. Save now on your homeowner’s insurance with an AG Home Alarms system!

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