Cybersecurity Trends and Tips to Stay Protected

It seems like every year, there are new home cybersecurity threats that risk a compromise to business and personal information, financial resources, privacy, and security. With the growing number of bad actors hiding in the shadows of the internet, these can be dangerous times. It’s important to take these risks seriously and protect ourselves, our homes, our businesses, and our families.

home cybersecurity threats
Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Biggest Business and Home Cybersecurity Treats

No matter where you live, cybersecurity is vital to protect yourself and your information. Some of the biggest risks include ransomware, phishing, data breaches, and mis- or disinformation.

Ransomware is one of the most disruptive types of cybercrime. It uses malware to encrypt files and make them inaccessible unless a ransom is paid. And even then, the ransom doesn’t guarantee you’ll be able to restore data. It’s been found to affect over 11% of Canadian businesses and costs an average of $1.92 million in payments, downtime, services, and lost business. And the types of incidents are growing more and more sophisticated as criminals leverage new technologies, including AI, to enhance their attacks, which often lead to further criminal activity.

Phishing is another prevalent threat, with attackers refining their techniques to become more sophisticated. Over one-third of companies in Canada have experienced this type of malicious cyber activity. Criminals use deceptive emails, messages, or websites designed to trick people into revealing their personal information, including passwords, credit card numbers, and other identifying information.

They’re often disguised as legitimate communications from a source you can trust, such as a bank, the company you work with, tech support from well-known companies, online retailers, social media platforms, government agencies, healthcare providers, utility companies, and even charitable organizations, so it’s crucial to be diligent. Otherwise, your information and identity could be at risk.

Data breaches, which expose the personal data stored on servers with businesses you interact with, can cost millions. The average cost in Canada is over $4 million. Data breaches have affected about one-fifth of Canadian companies, and they’re often the result of malicious attacks (42%). They can also be due to system glitches or simple human error. After the information is exposed, it can then be used in various ugly ways, including phishing or identity theft.

One of the greatest, and growing, cybersecurity threats affecting Canadians is misinformation and disinformation, especially due to cyber activities from bad actors in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. There are state-sponsored programs that also target critical infrastructure in Western democratic countries like Canada and the U.S., to advance their competing geopolitical interests.

Individuals are also at risk of identity theft, where criminals steal personal information to impersonate them, often to commit fraud. This can not only lead to financial loss, it can also damage credit, lead to legal issues for victims, and take time and lots of effort to correct.

Password attacks are another growing concern. Attackers can try numerous combinations to try to guess a password to access accounts. Criminals also use social media, email, and even smart home gadgets to access personal networks and data.

home cybersecurity threats
Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

Cybersecurity Measures to Protect Your Information and Identity

To help combat business and home cybersecurity threats, 84% of Canadian organizations have adopted cyber insurance and have created policies to help protect against attacks. In addition, the Canadian government has invested significantly in helping bolster cybersecurity defenses, including an $874 million investment in the Communications Security Establishment (CSE).

However, it’s also important for Canadians to take steps to protect their information from cyber-attacks. A home security system can help mitigate threats and enhance the safety and privacy of users.

Some of the key strategies they can use to protect against home cybersecurity threats include:

  • Robust encryption methods, which protect data that’s transmitted between devices and the central monitoring system. This ensures the data exchanged, including video feeds, sensor alerts, and user commands, is secure from interception and tampering.
  • Secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS and encrypted wireless communication, which safeguard data that’s transmitted over the internet as well as within the home network.
  • Regular software and firmware updates to patch newly discovered vulnerabilities to threats or exploits, enhance features, and improve overall security.
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds another layer of security, so even if a password is compromised, a second authentication factor (such as a code sent to your smartphone or email) can help prevent unauthorized access.
  • Strong password policies, which encourage users to choose strong, unique passwords for their accounts and devices. In addition, they may provide tools and guidance to help users manage password security.
  • Built-in firewall and network security to protect against unauthorized access. These measures help secure the home network and any connected devices against external threats.
  • Real-time monitoring and alerts to notify users and security professionals of any suspicious activities or potential security breaches.
  • Privacy controls, which give users control over who can access video feeds or sensitive data.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) security to ensure home devices adhere to strict security standards, including device authentication and regular security assessments.
  • User education and guidance to help individuals understand cybersecurity risks and best practices, such as how to recognize phishing attempts, manage device settings, and protect home networks.
  • Data anonymization, where possible, to protect individual privacy, so if data is intercepted, it can’t easily be linked back to specific users.

These measures help protect against business and home cybersecurity threats, which can lead to greater peace of mind.

Today, cybersecurity is vital for every business, home, and individual. Check out our packages and call now for a free quote at 1-855-518-4458 and talk with an expert about a customized package tailored to you and your needs and concerns, including cyber security. Remember, a security system could also help you save on homeowner’s insurance and offer additional safety and protection as well as greater peace of mind.

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