Having a home alarm isn’t nearly as useful if you don’t know when it goes off. If you’re sleeping or in the shower, for instance, and an intruder enters, you want the alarm loud enough that everyone in the vicinity can hear it. You also want the intruder to be aware that they’ve been detected and the police are on their way. And, you want friendly neighbors to be aware that something is amiss at your home.
The ear-piercing alarm will alert everyone when a sensor has been tripped, the police are now on their way, and you and your neighbors are aware that someone is in the home who shouldn’t be. That way, everyone can watch out for the intruder and potentially help the police by providing a description if they saw someone or something out of the ordinary. That gives everyone in the community a better chance of catching the thief and helping prevent future break-ins. (Just having a home security system in place, for instance, can deter crime by as much as 60%.)
It can also help limit losses as few intruders are willing to stay and finish the job once they’ve been detected and a piercingly high alarm is relentlessly attacking their eardrums.
An AG Home Alarms monitored systemwill keep you feeling secure and protect your assets and could even help you save on homeowner’s insurance! Check out our packages and call now for a free quote at 1-855-518-4458 and talk with an expert about how to protect your home with Telus Monitoring Systems.